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Selectmen Minutes 09/26/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
September 26, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   Selectman Colbert was excused.

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Fire Chief, Mike Paveglio; Road Agent, David Kenneally; Police Chief, Patrick Clarke; Emergency Management Director, John Martell and Building Inspector Dave Paveglio

BI – Mr. Paveglio reported that he has inspected the building project for Karl Merrill and the dwelling appears weather tight.

Chairman MacCleery asked for confirmation that Matt Crannell was on the 2008 waiting list for a building permit.  Mr. Paveglio replied yes and went on to explain that Mr. Crannell did ask for a receipt and Mr. Paveglio stated he did not need one.  Mr. Paveglio does not give out receipts as part of his normal procedures.  The carbon copy of the permit, once issued is the receipt.  Lisa has directed Mr. Paveglio to acknowledge Mr. Crannell being on the waiting list, in writing, which he has done and Lisa has forwarded the information to Mr. Crannell.

The Board asked Mr. Paveglio what the regulations were regarding the septage removal from a camper being used as temporary living quarters.  Mr. Crannell and Ms. Evans have stated to the Board that they have a camper on their property which they stay in from time to time.  Mr. Paveglio was not familiar with the procedure for removal of the waste but did state the Town of Chichester Zoning Regulations only allows for the temporary occupation of a trailer on your property, during the construction of a new dwelling.  The Selectmen will follow up on this potential zoning violation.

FIRE -   Chief Michael Paveglio met the Committee for Town Reorganization and wanted to go on record voicing his displeasure with the committee.  The timing is very late in the year to be asking for a compilation of a lot of statistics.  The committee has no intent at the present time to look at the school, the largest portion of the tax base. Mr. Paveglio would welcome help from this committee to look into the feasibility of hiring full time help.  The use of the ambulance is reaching critical mass, with Loudon’s use increasing at a higher rate than Chichester.  Mr. Paveglio encourages combining resources and believes his department currently does a very good job with the area compact agreements.  Police Chief Clarke echoed Mr. Paveglio’s concerns. The school is not even mentioned in the Reorganization Committees Memorandum and the timing is very tight to gather a lot of statistical information in such a short period of time.  The Police Chief was asked by the committee what he thought about doing away with the Police Department and having the Sheriff’s Office handle the calls in Chichester.  Chief

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Clarke did not feel this was an appropriate question to be asked to him.  Chief Clarke thought the committee was looking into consolidation of departments not elimination of departments.    

Chief Paveglio has discussed with his department members the issuance of payment for ambulance duty.  The Fire Department will continue to follow the pay period they have from the beginning.  This does not coincide with the Town’s pay period and never has.  The difference noted for those that cover an ambulance shift is the pay date is now Friday.  The checks are mailed on Friday.  An individual may pick up his/her check during regular business hours on Friday if they so choose.  There will not be a department member picking up checks for the entire group.  Chief Paveglio may petition the Commissioner of Labor on behalf of the Fire Department to request permission to pay the ambulance workers bi-monthly.  

PD – Chief Clarke informed the Board that the Police Department will be receiving federal monies under the “Car 54 Program” for equipping three cruisers with state of the art equipment to include all new lights, radar equipment and computers.  The State has extra grant money as well that will be disbursed to Chichester, Epsom, Pembroke, Allenstown, and the Sheriff’s Department to conduct additional DWI checkpoints.  

Due to the increased use of the cruisers as a result of 24hr coverage, the current 2 year rotation for purchasing new vehicles may need to be adjusted.  Pat is looking into the trade in value versus a sealed bid option to help defray the costs of a new purchase.  The Chief expressed his preference in keeping the oldest cruiser and using it only for details and emergency situations.  

HYW – Paving is complete on Bailey Road. The Selectmen’s Office is looking into payment from Mr. Mullaney for his portion of the costs, per the settlement reached last year.  
The highway department is getting things and equipment cleaned up in anticipation of the winter weather.  Chairman MacCleery mentioned a portion of pavement on Pleasant Street in front of the Del Lea Country Club lifting last winter.  Mr. Kenneally has addressed that last year.   

Chairman MacCleery asked the Road Agent to explain his thirteen hours of overtime the week of September 9, 2006.  Mr. Kenneally responded by stating that was during the paving going on and he stays on site the entire time the job is going on.

Chairman MacCleery inquired if the bids for winter sand had gone out.  Mr. Kenneally explained he did not put it out to bid, but had solicited costs from several vendors and Decato was the lowest price. Chairman MacCleery requested those prices be forwarded to the Board.

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Chairman MacCleery asked the status of the snow plow contracts.  The Road Agent is working on them.

Chairman MacCleery asked if the bridges (concrete abutments) have been sealed.  Mr. Kenneally could not find any contractors willing to take on such a small job so he has looked into purchasing a concrete oil pump and fifty-five gallons of sealant and having the highway department perform the work.  Selectman DeBold asked if this was a piece of equipment the town could rent for this one time or is the town going to perform this job every year.  The Road Agent responded this should be a job that is performed on an annual basis. Chairman MacCleery asked about the caulking on Depot Road Bridge.  David will check on it and stated the State has performed their annual inspection of the bridges in town.

Chairman MacCleery passed along a concern from a resident on Towle Road regarding the need for grading on Towle Road. Mr. Kenneally will look into and take care of.

EMD –   Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

SUBJECT: Citizens Concerned with Outdoor Lighting
PRESENT: Kate Hall, Katie Ruoff, Naomi Hussey and Linda Rauter
The ladies presented concerns of glare from three businesses located along Route 4.  The businesses are identified as Landmark Furnishings, Sisti Law Offices and Super Shoes.  In the past the town has sent correspondence to Department of Transportation for controlling outdoor advertising per RSA 236:74 and was told the DOT’s role is quite limited and goes on to say that lighting at commercial establishments can be restricted by local ordinances.  In the past when complaints were forwarded directly to the local business, adjustments were made and there has been a noticeable improvement from the Weathervane, Bobcat and the Hess Station.  The Board will research prior material and draft a new letter to the State and forward these concerns on to the individual business.  The ladies are also working on a letter to Unitil to address concerns of glare from the utility poles in front of Kosmos Pizza, Conlin Auto, Furniture Discounters, Philips Auto, Abundant Life, Robinson’s Trailer Park and the Head property.  The ladies would like to see all these lights either shielded or redirected so that the element is not visible from the road.

SUBJECT: Shaw Field
PRESENT: Julie Patterson and Tim Benjamin

Ms. Patterson and Mr. Benjamin currently have an arrangement with the town that allows them to graze their sheep on the Shaw Field.  The sheep were not there as usual this spring due to a commitment to graze them elsewhere.  The sheep are now grazing on the

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field.  Ms. Patterson and Mr. Benjamin wish to remain doing so.  The field needs some work due to the aggressive growth of milkweed.  The couple has available fertilizer but not the means to transport it to the field.   They are interested in continuing their present arrangement with the town.

SUBJECT: Conservation Easement – Ferman property; Ferrin Road
PRESENT: Mr.& Mrs. Edward Ferman, Jeff Andrews; Conservation Commission, Fire Chief Mike Paveglio
The Town and the Selectmen have been working to finalize the easement deed which addresses 6.9 acres containing a wildlife pond.  Two items are outstanding; a drafting pit installed in the pond and year round access for the Fire Department.  The Ferman’s initiated the idea of the pond when proposing the easement to be good neighbors to the town.  The Selectmen’s wishes as to the installation of a drafting pit and not a dry hydrant it appears were not relayed to the homeowners. The Ferman’s were more than willing to work with the town and discussion centered on how to proceed.  Chief Paveglio offered to test the dry hydrant before winter and then again once the pond has frozen.  The Fire Department is very grateful for the water source and will be agreeable to the dry hydrant remaining as long as it functions properly. If it is not adequate then Mr. Ferman will speak to his contractor to discuss options for a drafting pit.  The homeowners graciously agreed to maintain access to the pond, including the plowing of snow in the winter.

Language drafted in the original easement document does not allow for outside signage.  The homeowners have named the pond after a beloved pet recently passed away and requested permission to install a sign (5” x 12”) Boss Pond near the pond. The Selectmen agreed to this request as this request does not violate the spirit of the easement.  

Mrs. Ferman volunteered to review both drafts of the easement and produce a final copy to be reviewed by the homeowners and Mr. Andrews.  Once that has been done, it will be forwarded to the Board for signatures.



Planning Board vacancy; Lisa brought forward the name of Mr. Chris Weir.  The Board directed Lisa to invite him to the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman MacCleery to approve the corrected contract from Brown Engineering for the survey work to be conducted at Carpenter Park and further to authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign said contract.  Both were in favor.  Motion carries.

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The road (between the Congregational Church and the Library)naming was tabled until a full Board was present.


Mr. Robert Mann from the Conservation Commission stopped in to ask the Selectmen about the update on the removal of a portion of Marsh Pond Dam.  The Board has received correspondence from the Department of Environmental Services allowing the town to remove the beaver dam and the sandbag portions only.  Once that takes place the State will inspect and make a further determination if further removal and permitting is necessary.  The town has been ordered to remove or repair the dam by November 1, 2006.  
Mr. Mann passed along the concerns of the Conservation Commission that careful consideration is given to how the town is going to access the site.  If access has not been granted from the owner of the Hillcrest Campground, then the town will need to cross over a portion of the Sanborn-Cray Conservation Easement.  The Selectmen will discuss a plan of action with the Road Agent prior to any removal.  The Conservation Commission asks that the Board consider having a licensed forester review the route to be used to gain access.   

Chairman MacCleery confirmed with Mr. Mann that no recent mailing have been sent to taxpayers from the Conservation Commission in regards to the Wetlands Study.  The study has been tabled indefinitely by the commission.   

Selectman DeBold received a phone call from well contractor Elwin Carleton requesting he be allowed to have a rotary driller come in and set the pipe down to ledge, then he will come in and pound.  This will be no additional cost to the agreement.  The Board was in favor because it did not increase the cost of the new well.  

A snake was discovered in the Planning Board office and had to be removed.  This has once again prompted the need for that office to be cleaned out and reorganized immediately.  The Board directed Lisa to draft a memo to the Planning Board Chairman with the stipulation that it be cleaned by the end of October or the Selectmen will hire someone to clean it.  
The minutes of September 19, 2006 were approved as written.

Clarification to the minutes of September 5, 2006; page 2, paragraph 7- the police cruiser was backed into on Horse Corner Road not the station parking lot.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:45pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN